or The Beginning of the Trilogy about Antonin Artaud
Directing: Nenad Čolić
With: Svetlana Simić, Srđan Nikolić, Jelena Džaković, Una Sabljaković, Vera Jovanović
Scenery and costume: Ivana Čolić
Music arrangement: Nenad Čolić
Text: A. Artaud, C. Cavafi and personal actors’ texts
Literature: M. Miočinović: ’The Theatre of Cruelty’, A. Artaud: ’Theatre and Its Double’
Premiere: April 5th 1997, Cinema REX, Belgrade
Production: Plavo theatre & REX
Supported by: Fund for an Open Society
Festivals: New Theatrical Forms Festival 1997 – Pancevo, Serbia – best overall performance;
Theatre Specchi e memorie – Milan, Italy 1997
THE MAGNIFICENT ODYSSEY was born in a difficult period. That affected our work all the more because what was going on deeply concerned young people taking part in the wok. Therefore, this performance is in fact the story about any kind of resistance. It is the one in a series of warnings that say we have been living the epidemic of critical spiritual disease in which we are very close to the bordering position which we are less and less capable to control. It is the rebellion against the imitating theatre – theatre of presenting and against the spectator who recognizes but who doesn’t see.
Nenad Colic, 1997