masa-trening-sajtThe workshop focuses exclusively on principles of actor’s training as basic tool of actor’s everyday work on himself/herself. The actor confronts with his/her mental, physical and willing obstructions through training, simultaneously overcoming own limitations. In that way, training represents starting point of creation.

Segment of physical training includes learning of basic elements of training. Once basic elements have been mastered, the body is liberated in the space by connecting of elements into a continuous improvised flow, led by specific actor’s tasks.

Segment of vocal training includes working on breathing, liberating of the vocal through physical action and creation of a common sound ambient as starting point of improvisation.

The workshop is open for professional and semiprofessional actors, dancers, students of theatre and dance, as well as for other young people interested in such theatrical experience.

Workshop is led by Masa Jelic, PLAVO theatre actress.